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LAITEK Inc. Launches New Advanced Hybrid Migration Service at RSNA ’23

  • Category Articles News
  • Date Published Nov 20, 2023
  • Written by LAITEK
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HOMEWOOD, Ill., Nov. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/

LAITEK, a long-time and leading provider of medical imaging migration services announces a new Advanced Hybrid Migration service that lowers the cost of migrating and storing medical imaging data while enabling health systems to improve control over and access to this critical diagnostic data.

The LAITEK Hybrid Migration Service is a variation of the LAITEK Advanced Migration Service offering. A hybrid migration strategy can lower the upfront cost of a migration as well as the ongoing costs to store and manage older clinical information while extending the life of existing storage investments. As clinical data ages it may become less clinically relevant but can have value for AI algorithm development and research. Therefore, simply deleting is often not an option.

LAITEK experts work with clients to identify criteria for classifying older clinical data and determining how it should be managed. Then instead of migrating everything, older data is moved to the LAITEK ATRIUM Keep low-cost clinical archive that can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud. Newer data that is deemed clinically relevant is normalized, cleaned and migrated per the LAITEK Advanced Migration process. The benefits of this strategy are:

  • Lower upfront migration costs.
  • Lower storage and related operational costs.
  • Faster completion of the migration and dependent “go-lives.”
  • Access to all data is maintained.

The LAITEK team is excited to discuss this new hybrid migration offering as well as all their migration services at the upcoming Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting. LAITEK will be in Booth # 8143 – North Hall. Click here to schedule your consultation to learn how our new Hybrid Migration approach can save your organization money and time while improving control over and access to critical medical imaging data.

Healthcare organizations are struggling with the burgeoning cost of managing an ever-increasing volume of clinical image data. The explosion of AI has increased the value of older data for training purposes but puts press on healthcare organizations to lower the costs of storing this information. Efforts to consolidate medical imaging data from all departments across a health care system further exacerbates these challenges as do ongoing mergers and acquisitions across the healthcare industry.

“Our customers are asking us for ways to reduce the cost and shorten time to migrate their data. The need has become particularly acute as our customers medical imaging archives get larger,” states Fred M. Behlen, LAITEK’s President. “We believe our new hybrid migration approach will help meet these needs and help align their migration strategy with their cloud archiving strategy.”

About LAITEK Inc.

LAITEK Inc. is a global company with over 40 years of experience in medical imaging solutions and services. These decades of frontline expertise enable us to help healthcare providers efficiently, easily and cost effectively manage their ever-expanding quantity of medical imaging data.

LAITEK provides customized software and services that recognize that each healthcare organization has different image data management challenges. Therefore, we understand that any archive migration or consolidation effort must resolve any legacy challenges and minimize the likelihood that new ones arise in the process. Leadership in DICOM standards is our method, and our goal is to enable healthcare organizations to improve the quality of care they deliver by enabling them to better manage and extract more clinical value from the increasingly vast amounts of medical imaging under their care. Learn more about Migratek Advanced Migration Services.

You can read the entire press release on PR Newswire.