Firefly data moving through a medical system highlighting the structure of the medicine 70149
Firefly data moving through a medical system highlighting the structure of the medicine 70149

Fast. Secure. Proven. Complete.

Create a Universal Ecosystem for Imaging data

Integration solutions that make it easy move, convert, and view inconsistent or proprietary data.

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Atrium empowers clinical workflows with an adaptable and easy-to-integrate suite of data products.



Data Managed.

Move Data

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Filter and move data with an easy to integrate solution that connects to data storage, systems, and viewers.


Store Data

Firefly a cloud storage image for healthcare 87097

Keep's neutral environment provides secure and accessible access to data outside of your PACS


Convert Data

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Qualify and convert data easily to and from any major file type.

ATRIUM Convert
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Why Use Atrium

Powered by 20 years of migration experience and designed for truly impressive integration and flexibility, Atrium is part of LAITEK’s promise of quality that helps streamline, automate, and simplify clinical workflows. Our products are supported by out team’s on site services and consulting.


Get More from your Data

Do you need to improve workflows or enhance data quality? Let our specialists build your ideal system and get the full potential of our products.

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