Fast. Secure. Proven. Complete.

Deploy Convert and Forget About Healthcare System Incompatibilities

Neutralize proprietary formats or transform data formats to work with any widely-used system.

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Convert Overview

Convert is a worry-free integration that simplifies workflows by making it easy to convert and view any imaging file type.


Who Uses Convert?

Healthcare radiology departments or studies that require a simple and powerful tool to integrate and easily convert file types from disparate brands and system types.


Benefits of ATRIUM Convert

Convert Hologic BTO Files

into DICOM standard

Easily convert and store BTO images so they're compatible with your current system.

Propritary data conversion

and storage

Whether you want to transform or keep proprietary data intact, Convert is the perfect solution.

Gain flexibility

in clinical operations

Convert can reconcile any file type and can work seamlessly with your current technology to enhance your capabilites.

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